Monday, February 16, 2009

Teacher Blogs in The United States

Miss Lehman's Blog

On this blog, this elementary school teacher post weekly news for her students.  Through this blog, she informs her class about the projects, tests, quizzes and homework that will be due the following week. From reading this blog, I can tell that this teacher is very informative and helpful with her students.  She gives full advice and help with papers that are coming up and keeps the students informed about events the in the school that are taking place that week.  She also posts links to news articles, science web sites and the like to help her students learn more while doing their homework.  Over all, I feel like this teachers takes full advantage of the recent advance in technology.
(no picture available) 

Mrs. Austens Kindergarten Class Blog

Mrs. Austen is the Kindergarten teacher in the local Goochland County Public Elementary School.  On her blog, she more so focuses on the parents interest.  She posts her weekly lesson plans on her page so that parents can be prepared to assist their young children in any sort of writing or reading help they may need.  Mrs. Austen also posts news updates on the events of the school and things going on in class.  For example, when all the students will be having a special shirt day, she would post that at the beginning of the week for parents as a simple reminder.  This teachers also seems very well organized and prepared weekly for a full weeks worth of work.

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